domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

Don't try to change things. They won't. They will still hurt. Stories are not over overnight. You need willpower. You need your wounds and scars to heel. And there's only one thing able to cure them. Its called accepting. Accepting that it's time to get done with and move on. Because if you don't they will keep haunting you. Always. Anyway, truth is that some wounds just seem to take forever to heel.

1 comentario:

  1. Les ferides es curen reconeixent-les, mirant-les, sabent que les tenim. Així, de mica en mica, van cicatritzant i fent un crosta dura que després cau i deixa una cicatriu, quasi imperceptible. Tu sempre et reconeixeràs la teva cicatriu i els dies de pluja, els dies grisos, les nostres cicatrius sembla com si estiguessin més toves. Bonica meva, créixer i madurar també porta tenir cicatrius que, com les arrugues, ens conformem.


¡ vomítame en los oídos !