lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Sometimes we just need to let go. Let go and hurl ourselves into our own destiny. Fight for the thinks we want. Keep going even if it hurts. Life is not about the things that happen to you but how you make them. You can change your destiny. You can turn things around. IF YOU WANT TO. Don't sit down and moan. Don't stay steady and cry. Don't wait for it IT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DO IT.

domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

Don't try to change things. They won't. They will still hurt. Stories are not over overnight. You need willpower. You need your wounds and scars to heel. And there's only one thing able to cure them. Its called accepting. Accepting that it's time to get done with and move on. Because if you don't they will keep haunting you. Always. Anyway, truth is that some wounds just seem to take forever to heel.

martes, 19 de febrero de 2013


Keep dreaming. Carry on and don't lose yourself. You'll eventually come round. You'll get there. You'll be able to do what you was dreaming of. Because those who believe end up getting. Because those who get are the ones that used to believe. Be a dreamer, a big dreamer. Break walls, climb mountains and keep imagining the world as a better place. STOP LISTENING TO THOSE WHO SAY YOU CAN'T. Because YOU WILL.

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

Vivo en un mundo en el que bella se come a bestia. En el que las perdices no se comen al final de los cuentos sino al principio y luego todo se va a la mierda desde allí. Ya no me sé reescribir. Por mas que lo intento todo lo que consigo es emborronar la página y que las cosas parezcan peores que antes. Menuda mierda. Lo que sí que tengo claro es que nunca muero. El veneno de mi corazón me mantiene viva. Respirando. Intentando. Solo me queda esquiar. Hacia arriba. Al futuro. Vamos.

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013


Hace demasiado tiempo que odias tu vida. Tu vida de mierda. Los días grises. Hay mañanas en las que te levantas y no puedes mas. Ya no quieres mas. Todo te pesa y a tu alrededor solo hay montañas. Y no puedes escalar. Te odias. Odias esforzarte y no conseguir nada. Darlo todo y ser solo un puto muñeco. Sé que no lo entendeis. Soy unas letras de mierda escritas en la página de un blog moribundo. No puedo mas. Abre los ojos, abre los ojos (....) Abre los ojos.